Monday, May 4, 2009

Ted Lavender

I am the wind that stops
I wonder why i only hear our foot steps
I hear the drumming going off beat
I see the end of the tunnel
I want a siren to warn me what's next to come
I am the wind that stops

I pretend it's not his fault
I feel the bullet through my head
I touch the guilt beneath your skin
I worry because your off in la la land
I cry but tears dont come out
I am the wind that stops

I understand that death comes at you fast
I say dont be a coward
I dream of being ressurected
I try to speak but no words come out
I hope my men awaken
I am the wind that stops

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am Poem

I am the sparkle in your eyes and the dimples in your smile
I wonder if we can be eternity
I hear the melody of your hearbeat
I see through the world in your arms
I want you to be the Mario in my love game
I am the sparkle in your eyes and the dimples in your smile

I pretend to be your Paramore and rock your world
I feel the drumming in my heart
I touch the butterflies in your stomach
I worry there will be no tomorrow
I cry when i don't smell your colonge on me
I am the sparkle in your eyes and the dimples in your smile

I understand that we are kids with candy
I say love is overrated
I dream of the day with the white doves and bells ringing
I try to be the ring on your finger
I hope we plant new flowers in the garden
I am the sparkle in your eyes and the dimples in your smile

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The video

As u can see, Rosalia didnt have a hard journey like most Immigrants. She was a lucky one.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Congressional Medal Of Honor



Medal of Honor

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." These are the words that are spoken everyday to honor our country, & everyday i put my hand as close to my heart & say these words with pride. I am honored to be living in a country with such amazing people who have given up so much for our rights here in America. The way we thank those who have sacrified their lives to save others, is by proudly awarding them the Medal Of Honor.

The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest honor an American can receive. The Medal of Honor means you are different from other soldiers that have served our country. This doesnt mean that the others arent important it just means that you did something extraordinary & you are being recognized for it. It means being respected by others, for risking your life. It means being being a hero, for saving others. But most of all it means gratitude, for helping change our country.

Nothing in this world is given to you for free. In order to receive the Medal of Honor these recipients payed with their life. They risked their lives to save other people. They went over & beyond the call of duty for their country. It took them a lot of courage to do this. Not many people in this world are willing to sacrifice everything they have & love for someone else.

"Sometimes I think it was easier winning the Medal of Honor than it is to wear it." This quote is said by various Medal of Honor recipients. What does it mean though? To me this means that most recipients didnt risk their lives for a medal. It means that they just did what their hearts told them. After they are labeled, "A Medal of Honor Recipient," it can not be taken away. This makes it difficult because they are required to reach so many high standards, when all they were doing was their job. Because of this alot of soldiers dont want the Medal of Honor. Instead they want to a hero, undercover.

So next time you are saying the "Pledge of Alligience," think of those men and women who served their nation. Say it with respect & pride. For those who have died & those who have survived. For those who have proudly worn the nations colors, whenever needed from them. Thanks to them we are here today, with no fear & independence.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thank You :)

Dear Private First Class Melvin E. Biddle

My name is Roxana Delgado. I am a Sophomore at Farragut Career Academy located at Chicago, IL. I am in the JROTC program and my rank is a Private First Class as well. Being a risk taker in WWI is a really tremendous thing. You have helped our nation become strong, powerful, and independent. Weren't you scared? Attacking a large amount of enemy soldiers, within a close range of the German's territory. That was very couragious. Learning about you has inspired me to follow my actions without holding back. You have taught me that there are actually people in this world who arent ignorant and just think about themselves. You saved lives while risking your own. There should be more people like you. For your contribution in the war i wish u the best in the future. I hope you are being well taken care of, and are being treated like the hero that you are. Thank you very much!


Roxana Delgado

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Medal of Honor Recipient

Melvin E. Biddle

Rank and organization: Private First Class , U.S. Army, Company B, 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
Place and date: Near Soy , Belgium , 23‑24 December 1944.
Entered service at: Anderson , Ind.
Birth: 28 November 1923 , Daleville , Ind.
He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy near Soy , Belgium , on 23 and 24 December 1944 . Serving as lead scout during an attack to relieve the enemy‑encircled town of Hotton , he aggressively penetrated a densely wooded area, advanced 400 yards until he came within range of intense enemy rifle fire, and within 20 yards of enemy positions killed 3 snipers with unerring marksmanship. Courageously continuing his advance an additional 200 yards, he discovered a hostile machine-gun position and dispatched its 2 occupants. He then located the approximate position of a well‑concealed enemy machine-gun nest, and crawling forward threw hand grenades which killed two Germans and fatally wounded a third. After signaling his company to advance, he entered a determined line of enemy defense, coolly and deliberately shifted his position, and shot 3 more enemy soldiers. Undaunted by enemy fire, he crawled within 20 yards of a machine-gun nest, tossed his last hand grenade into the position, and after the explosion charged the emplacement firing his rifle. When night fell, he scouted enemy positions alone for several hours and returned with valuable information which enabled our attacking infantry and armor to knock out 2 enemy tanks. At daybreak he again led the advance and, when flanking elements were pinned down by enemy fire, without hesitation made his way toward a hostile machine-gun position and from a distance of 50 yards killed the crew and 2 supporting riflemen. The remainder of the enemy, finding themselves without automatic weapon support, fled panic stricken. Pfc. Biddle's intrepid courage and superb daring during his 20 hour action enabled his battalion to break the enemy grasp on Hotton with a minimum of casualties.
Thank you very much Melvin E. Biddle for you courage & leadership.
Without you America wouldnt be the same.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween dance; Done!

14. Go to the halloween dance
So on friday, october 31st 2008 Farragut's JROTC had a Halloween dance. From the day that they mentioned it i knew i was going for sure! I wanted to dress up, but i didnt have any money to buy a costume, so that was bummer. The dance was going start around 3:30pm, so my friends and i decided to stay at school until it started. In the beginning of the dance, i was kind of bored because they were playing some lame music lol. But then once they started playing some good music i started dancing the night away. We danced to bachata, Duranguense, Cumbia, & ofcourse Juke Music! lol I danced with Pablo, Raul, Ramon, Edgardo, Erwin, Jessica, Lupe, [not Ivan! You owe me one mr!] :] By the end of the night my hair was all messed up and my legs were hurting so badly! But that proves tha I had a great time & had lots of fun!!! It's a night i wont forget. Next up is the Christmas Dance! ^-^