Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The American Dream

Fernando & Rosalia Delgado

Daddy, what was your dream when you were younger?
Well when i was younger, all i wanted was to grow up. I wanted to be able to go to clubs, drive and be able to do things that older people where able to do.

Did you ever think of coming to America?
No, i always thought of staying in Mexico my whole life. I loved it there, but when my father decided to come to America, when i was 15, my family had no choice but to go with them.
Now that you are older, what is your American Dream?
Now that i'm older, all i want is to win the lottery so your mother and I wont have to work anymore. I want to be able to provide you with all you needs, so you can have a good future. I want to have the life that i never could.

Mommy, what is your dream when you were younger?
When i was younger my American Dream was
to finish my education & study to be a secretary.
Did you ever think about coming to America?
No, it actually never crossed my mind at all. Your uncle Carlos, was the one that wanted to come to America and help support our family. But when your father came back for me when i was 18 then i thought it was a great apportinuty to start over and make money to support my family.
Now that you are older, what is your American Dream?
Well its too late to go back to school and make my dream of finishing my education and become a secretary come true. But i guess my American dream would be to finish paying our house so i can finally claim it to be mine. I want to maintain my job, so i can provive my children with everything that you need, and to get the chance to see my grandchildren grow up.


Jorge said...

nice interview and who doesnt want to win the lotery

Ale said...

Hi roxana I think your interview is very nice,very good no mistakes,and you ask both of your parents which is intersting that way you know both sides of the about what is your American dream?