Thursday, October 30, 2008

His words; My Poem

His Words
In Martin Luther King Jr's Speech, "I Have a Dream," there was one quote specifically that caught my attention.

"No, no, we are not satisfied and will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like the mighty stream."

This quote is important because it shows an imagery about how Martin Luther King Jr wants the African Americans to have justice, freedom, liberty, and basically the quality of having rights. Water goes quickly in a stream, so this means that he wants a difference and he wants it fast. When i heard this quote, i actually picture what he said. This shows how good of a speaker Martin Luther King Jr really is.

People cheered when he spoke this because they support everything he has to say. They were all at that march for a reason. They all believe that they should have the same rights as everyone else, and they are glad that someone has finally got the nerve to speak up for what is right.

My Poem

Everyone has a memory that they love to remember, but what happens when that memory is forgotten? This is my version of Langston Hughes's poem "A Dream Deffered."

What Happens To a Forgotten Memory?

Does it fade away
Like the clouds in the sky?
Or like the years that pass by--
and never come back?

Does it ever repeat
Like the changing of the seasons?
Or is it ever relived--
Like a ressurected soul?

Maybe its lost at sea
like an innocent cast away
or does it sink to the bottom
like a rock?


Sergio said...

real nice explanation of the qoute and real nice poem :)

pablo said...

roxana loveee:)
wow u poem is really nice
n the way dat u explained things about a memory. also about the quote that it was great tht mlk speaked for everyone when he said that speech

hector said...

roxana i agree with your quote because on that quote martin luther king is talking about 3 main things freedom,justice, civil rights. cool poem!

(nice explanation:)

jess1992 said...

I like the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. made a comparison with the stream cuz yew can actually see it. WOW! i loved yer poem it made me feel as if i was there when yew wrote it. Like i knew exactly how yew felt.

Edgardo said...

I like your poem it rhymed and the part of resurrected soul it a bit creepy. your photo is good and it goes with it. Good explantion of the quote of Dr.KIng.

Edgardo said...
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Ivan said...

Pinky! i mean Roxy!

i like the way you explained on why you compared his quote to an actual stream.

damn; you snappd on your poem buddy! its very nice nd makes sence =]

Raul said...

Dayum you snapped foo. Nice explanation of the qoute. I like the steam part because it makes sense man. Nice poem i really like it. Im so jealous because i cant write poems like you. You snapped.

the rise of the beaners said...

hey Roxy! You're right that quote shows how great of a speaker was Martin Luther King Jr. Another great African American Speaker i baleave was Tupac Shakur. Great job on the poem, I like it.

@NG3LIC@z pl@c3 said...

Roxana, I liked the way you put the quote in your own words!!It's true that Martin Luther King Jr. wants a difference becuase discrimination have been going on for years.
[I also like your poem...:)]