Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween dance; Done!

14. Go to the halloween dance
So on friday, october 31st 2008 Farragut's JROTC had a Halloween dance. From the day that they mentioned it i knew i was going for sure! I wanted to dress up, but i didnt have any money to buy a costume, so that was bummer. The dance was going start around 3:30pm, so my friends and i decided to stay at school until it started. In the beginning of the dance, i was kind of bored because they were playing some lame music lol. But then once they started playing some good music i started dancing the night away. We danced to bachata, Duranguense, Cumbia, & ofcourse Juke Music! lol I danced with Pablo, Raul, Ramon, Edgardo, Erwin, Jessica, Lupe, [not Ivan! You owe me one mr!] :] By the end of the night my hair was all messed up and my legs were hurting so badly! But that proves tha I had a great time & had lots of fun!!! It's a night i wont forget. Next up is the Christmas Dance! ^-^


jess1992 said...

Yea @ 1st ti was lame. Then i heard the song "dont speak" bachata remix, i was like damn time 2 dance. It was such a fun night man i go 2 juke on you lol. Next is X-mas && it better b wayyy better than this one.

the rise of the beaners said...

That right, next up the chritmas dance, im ready.yeah it was a crsxy nigth, with all the dancing, and egging wooooooooh. i cant wait for next year. Hope we get to dance in the christmas dance.

Raul said...

Oh yeah the Christmas dance that one is even better. I wont forget this dance neither. And that day I accomplished my goal too hehehe. Its cool that you shaved one more goal off the list. Good job hehehe.

Ivan said...

yeah it was fun going to your house roxana!

it was funner throwing the mints at ppl haha nd yeah i owe u a song or dance haha on the christmas dance? we're going for sure!

nice nice! =]


WOW gurl thats how parties feel like.. sore legs til like 3 days later =).. party hard til you drop dead! is awsome.. sounds like the dance was verry funn i missed it.=(
well congrats in accomplishing your goals. WUT WUT!! =)

melendez said...

Hi!!! I just wanted to say that I’m happy for u because u had fun. I’m also glad that u did not leave the dance because it had boring music at the start. What time did the dance finish???

@NG3LIC@z pl@c3 said...

I know Ropxana @ fisrt it was lan=me pero then it got better!!But wasn't your goal too easy to accomplish because you were going to go to the dance anyways?