Friday, September 5, 2008

The stuff

What's something you've done that no one else in your class has???

Well 3 years ago, my volleyball team and I appeared on WCIU's, "The Homework Show." Joseph E. Gary, my elemantary school, had won 1st place city championship for volleyball since 2003-2006 so they wanted to interview us about our victories. I doubt that anyone in my class has done THAT! =]

What are 3 adjectives decribe you?

Athletic, Clumsy, Original

What is the history behind your name?
I was supposed to be name Julie because of my grandmother. But my uncle had his babygirl before my mom so he decided to name his daughter julie. So my mom picked her favorite second second name, Roxana.

what are some fun goals that you would love to accomplish?

1. Go to sixflags
2. Learn how to drive
3. Dye my hair blue
4. Learn how to play guitar
5. Join the softball team
6. Learn how to break dance
7. Go to the millitary ball
8. Watch the movie, "Twilight"
9. Watch a sunset
10. Go to a concert
11. Take my 1st trip to mexico
12. Go ice skating
13.Go to a bears game
14. Go to the halloween dance
15. Make tons of new friends


Raul said...

Yo what would be another reason you value money the least its true you money cant buy you happiness but it feeds you. Haha

jess1992 said...

hahaha dude we should dicth school and go ice skating in the winter:]]]

damn julie everny1 has had that problem with names, somehow every1 has pre names ^_^

Ivan said...

like i've said we should all go ice skating! in the winter lol

But yeah your goals are cool hehe good luck in accomplishing them.

Sergio said...

haha funny story about your name but nice lol

jesus said...

hey dude? i hope that u accomplish ur goals and accomplish the ones that u want the most. how about dyin ur hair blonde? Oooo by the way its ur fault!!!!!!!!!!! ;-p

ëе@®ÐØ said...

hey u....
man...i wuz reading ur goals...
they sound really kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i cant belive u havent went to mexico!!!!and u call ur self mexican!!!!!

tell me when ur gonna die ur hair blue...kus i was planning on doing that but i thought it would look retarted...

@NG3LIC@z pl@c3 said...

Perdone!!!(j/k) That is so cool, pero my school was in t.v. too...pero because cps was going to close it!!!haha.What did you say? Did they interview you or one of your friends? Tell me more